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Identity Contract

Let’s say we want to represent a user. To do this we need to define an Identity Contract.

Defining a contract

Let’s start with a skeleton. Here we will define a contract using the API of a JavaScript-based Shelter Protocol implementation called Chelonia. We create a file called identity.js with the following contents:

import sbp from '@sbp/sbp'

sbp('chelonia/defineContract', {
  name: 'gi.contracts/identity',
  actions: {}

This defines an empty contract called 'gi.contracts/identity' that is missing its constructor. Without a constructor we cannot create instances of this contract, so let’s define that next.

Note: Chelonia makes extensive use of SBP: Selector-based Programming.

Creating a constructor

The constructor is defined by defining an action with the same name as the name of the contract:

sbp('chelonia/defineContract', {
  name: 'gi.contracts/identity',
  actions: {
    'gi.contracts/identity': {
      validate: objectMaybeOf({
        attributes: objectMaybeOf({
          username: string,
          email: string,
          picture: string
      process ({ data }, { state }) {
        const initialState = merge({
          settings: {},
          attributes: {}
        }, data)
        for (const key in initialState) {
          Vue.set(state, key, initialState[key])

Actions are invoked on the contract by creating an SPMessage with either OP_ACTION_ENCRYPTED or OP_ACTION_UNENCRYPTED and passing that message to the server’s POST /event API. The server then broadcasts that update to any clients that are interested in this contract.

The constructor is the first action invoked on a contract (and typically the second message sent to a contract, after OP_CONTRACT).

For each action, Chelonia allows contracts to define validation functions and processing functions. The job of a validation function (validate in the code above) is to ensure the data is properly formatted so that it is safe to process. A validation function is called twice: once when the message is created (before sending it to the server), and again when clients recieve the message back from the server.

The process function is responsible for processing the message and updating the client’s local state for the contract. Each process function will typically take the message data, and apply it to the state. Contract state is only ever updated in the process function, and these updates must happen synchronously. If contracts would like to execute side effects after processing messages, they can do so in a separate sideEffect function.

In our example above, the identity contract state becomes initialized with an initial state that might include our username, email, and profile picture, and then reactively updates any UI bindings that depend on those values.

Our example uses various imported functions:

  • objectMaybeOf verfies object key/value types from a modified version of flow-typer-js.
  • merge is a utility function to merge two objects together.
  • Vue.set is a way to reactively update key/value pairs from the VueJS 2.x framework.

Updating attributes

We can create additional actions to update the contract’s state.attributes:

    'gi.contracts/identity/setAttributes': {
      validate: object,
      process ({ data }, { state }) {
        for (const key in data) {
          Vue.set(state.attributes, key, data[key])
    'gi.contracts/identity/deleteAttributes': {
      validate: arrayOf(string),
      process ({ data }, { state }) {
        for (const attribute of data) {
          Vue.delete(state.attributes, attribute)

Great! Now by invoking OP_ACTION_ENCRYPTED we can update our email address.

In Chelonia, it looks like this:

await sbp('chelonia/out/actionEncrypted', {
  action: 'gi.contracts/identity/setAttributes',
  contractID: this.loggedIn.identityContractID,
  data: {
    email: ''
  signingKeyId: '<signingKeyId>',
  encryptionKeyId: '<encryptionKeyId>'

The selector 'chelonia/out/actionEncrypted' will create our SPMessage for OP_ACTION_ENCRYPTED and send it to the server, which will then send the message back to us so that the process function for our local copy of the contract gets invoked with the new email address.

The signing and encryption keys are defined when we create an instance of our contract.

The complete contract

That’s it!

This simple contract is capable of representing a user’s identity in an end-to-end encrypted way. It is very useful as a starting base for any app.

sbp('chelonia/defineContract', {
  name: 'gi.contracts/identity',
  actions: {
    'gi.contracts/identity': {
      validate: objectMaybeOf({
        attributes: objectMaybeOf({
          username: string,
          email: string,
          picture: string
      process ({ data }, { state }) {
        const initialState = merge({
          settings: {},
          attributes: {},
          chatRooms: {}
        }, data)
        for (const key in initialState) {
          Vue.set(state, key, initialState[key])
    'gi.contracts/identity/setAttributes': {
      validate: object,
      process ({ data }, { state }) {
        for (const key in data) {
          Vue.set(state.attributes, key, data[key])
    'gi.contracts/identity/deleteAttributes': {
      validate: arrayOf(string),
      process ({ data }, { state }) {
        for (const attribute of data) {
          Vue.delete(state.attributes, attribute)

Note: Chelonia has more features (getters, metadata, methods, etc.), but those are application-specific features that are not relevant to Shelter Protocol and so won’t be documented here.

Creating a user

Identity management in an end-to-end encrypted world involves managing secret keys.

For our example, we will use the user’s password, along with a salt, to generate two keypairs: an “Identity Proving Key” (IPK) and an “Identity Encryption Key” (IEK). These keys will be the “master keys” that we can use to prove our identity. We will also generate keys that can be used for day-to-day activities that do not require the user to enter their password each time they are used. We’ll call these the “Contract Signing Key” (CSK) and the “Contract Encryption Key” (CEK), and we’ll save them in encrypted form using the IEK.

Once we’ve generated the keys, and our contract code deployed to the server, we can create an instance of our contract using OP_CONTRACT:

const user = await sbp('chelonia/out/registerContract', {
  contractName: 'gi.contracts/identity',
  signingKeyId: IPKid,
  actionSigningKeyId: CSKid,
  actionEncryptionKeyId: PEKid,
  keys: [
      id: IPKid,
      name: 'ipk',
      purpose: ['sig'],
      ringLevel: 0,
      permissions: '*',
      data: IPKp
      id: IEKid,
      name: 'iek',
      purpose: ['enc'],
      ringLevel: 0,
      permissions: '*',
      data: IEKp
      id: CSKid,
      name: '#csk',
      purpose: ['sig'],
      ringLevel: 1,
      meta: {
        private: {
          keyId: IEKid,
          content: CSKs
      data: CSKp
      id: CEKid,
      name: '#cek',
      purpose: ['enc'],
      ringLevel: 1,
      permissions: [OP_ACTION_ENCRYPTED, OP_KEY_SHARE],
      meta: {
        private: {
          keyId: IEKid,
          content: CEKs
      data: CEKp
  data: {
    attributes: { username, email, picture: finalPicture }

const userID = user.contractID()

// subscribe to our new user contract
await sbp('chelonia/contract/sync', userID)

One final step is registering our username so that it points to our identity contract:

fetch(`${API_URL}/name`, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: JSON.stringify({ name: username, value: userID }),
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Congratulations! Our user is now able to log in to their end-to-end encrypted account on any device! 😄🎉